
New Sun Appears at the International Agrochemical Products Exhibition in 2023 and The Third National Conference on the Transformation of Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements
2023-10-31 15:13:01 | News > Company News >

International Agrochemical Products Exhibition in 2023

In order to continue promoting the high-quality and green development of the pesticide industry and promoting high-quality exchanges in global agrochemical commerce, the 23rd National Pesticide Exchange Conference and International Agrochemical Products Exhibition (ACE)in 2023, hosted by the China Pesticide Industry Association, officially opened at the Shanghai World Expo on October 25th.

The theme of this conference is "TO WORK HARD, INNOVATE AND LEAD, CREATE NEW ADVANTAGES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDUSTRY, FORGE AHEAD BRAVELY, STRENGTHEN THE FOUNDATION AND CONSOLIDATE THE FOUNDATION, AND LINK THE NEW FIELD OF GLOBAL AGROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY". As an annual event linking the global agrochemical industry, ACE Exhibition has been held 23 times in a row. This exhibition marks the return of ACE to Shanghai after the COV_D-19 epidemic, with over 600 participating companies and an exhibition area of over 40000 square meters, all of which have fully recovered to pre epidemic levels. There were over 60000 on-site visitors and over 3000 overseas visitors. The exhibition was packed with people, and new and old friends had a warm exchange, fully demonstrating the vitality and vitality of the plant protection and agrochemical markets.

As a biotechnology company focused on green agriculture in China, Chengdu Newsun Crop Science Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Newsun") was invited to attend the exhibition and made a significant appearance with the latest scientific research achievements and bio-pesticides as health crop protection solutions.

After more than 20 years of scientific research and development, Newsun has utilized natural product co-extraction technology, microbial engineering technology, synthetic biology, gene editing and molecular breeding technology, and has successively developed the world's first applied level plant signal molecule regulation technology - COR coronatine, natural product plant endogenous regulation technology -14-hydroxy brassinosteroid, and other global leading biotechnology, forming numerous biotechnology products and solutions that can improve abiotic stress to enhance the resistance of crops to low temperature, drought, and high temperature stress growth; And natural compound series bio-fungicides, bio-insecticides, bio-acaricides, and potential bio-herbicide technologies and products mainly based on prescription extraction technologies of natural products such as CE- Veratrum Root and Stem Extract, CE-Allicin, CE-Berberine, CE-Osthol, CE-Carvol, CE-Matrine, CE- Celastrus Angulatus, and CE- Pyrethrin; And innovative research and development of soil acidification, salinization remediation, soil particle structure remediation, heavy metal pollution remediation and other biological repair technologies and products for improving farmland quality and sustainable agricultural development.


Through on-site display and communication, participating customers highly praised the excellent product advantages and brand influence of Newsun. In the future, Newsun will continue to leverage its technological advantages, seize the opportunities for high-quality development in the industry, and assist in the transformation of the agricultural chemical industry towards sustainability and low-carbon

The Third National Conference on the Transformation of Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements

In order to comprehensively promote the self-reliance and self-improvement of high-level agricultural science and technology, promote the transformation and application of agricultural science and technology achievements, and accelerate the construction of an agricultural power, on October 27th, the "Third National Conference on the Transformation of Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements" jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Chengdu Municipal People's Government opened in Chengdu.

The theme of this conference is "Science and Technology Driven Agriculture Power", adopting the "1+1+13" conference mode, which includes 1 high-level plenary conference, 1 exhibition, and 13 special events. Focusing on areas such as food security and agricultural machinery equipment, rural revitalization and agricultural industry, green agriculture and food industry, transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements and intellectual property rights, we will discuss and exchange, share experiences, and seek common ideas around scientific and technological collaborative innovation, advanced experience and models of achievement transformation.


If technology is strong, agriculture will be strong, and if technology is prosperous, agriculture will be prosperous. The self-reliance and self-improvement of agricultural technology is the only way to achieve an agricultural power, the key to ensuring national food security supply, and an important measure to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. Since its establishment, Newsun has adhered to the concept of "DRIVING GREEN DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE WITH TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION" and "HEALTHY CROP PROTECTION" as its technical service concept. It focuses on providing services for improving the agricultural ecological environment, improving the quality and safety of agricultural products, and enhancing the value of the agricultural industry. It is committed to building the world's most competitive bio-pesticide technology company, assisting the modernization and sustainable development of China's agriculture, and contributing actively to the construction of a future agricultural power.

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